Montag, Januar 30, 2006

big sista is watchin' ya!

heyhey hello!!!
well today was kind of a pissy day. dunno why. i wasn't really motivated for my classes and the individual work on the lesson plan wity my partner was (once again) so exhausting... :(
actually the day got pissy after we had worked on the lesson plan. Well a well, i'll stay strong and patient... very patient...

Today the sun said hello again and let the whole city appear in a different way! Would be nice if it stayed like that for my last 21 days here or shall I say 11 because I'm going to spend the other 10 in... where was it again?! Horriwil? Huenigen? Heimberg? :D I do really have to plan what I'm going to do with the few days left. (Eating Bagels & cinnamon rolls, drinking coffee in Tim Hortons's house... aehm.. what else...)

Talking about houses: I just had a phone call with my house owner and I'll stay here till Saturday. Then I'll move to my Japanese friends' flat downtown for the two weekend left (thx Sanae & Ayumi). Shall i mention that i started packing because i won't have left much time this week and that my bags are already full although a lot of stuff is still in the wardrobe?! Better not... oops i just did it...

Donnerstag, Januar 26, 2006

cheers amadeus!

ai ai ai i've just done my home exam from the college and the longer i read all this stuff the more interested i get. what a shame that i haven't read it earlier. some things may had made more sense :) whatever my friends. i start realising that everything is gonna be over soon and that's strange. i'm curious how it is to be home again :D

well first, i can't wait to go to Hawaii because it's so cold here (maybe because i wore a skirt today... *eyeroll*)

still, i have no idea how i manage it to bring all my stuff with me back home. Anyone got a friend who's pilot at Air Canada or are big eyes and a charming smile enough at the check in?!? i don't think so... maybe a skirt again... ;) damn.

Montag, Januar 23, 2006

my friends down there

people say that some of our friends in the South are not always the brightest (i know there are many exceptions. one's living above me, right andy :) ) however, i just wanted to book my flight from oahu to maui and back. i found an excellent offer on the homepage from a company. unfortunately you have to give a billing address in the States besides the credit card details...

well, i called the company to ask why, because I want to book a flight and live in Canada. (and living in Canada is not a crime, is it?!) Anyway, she told me that they don't accept international credit cards... so far ok... I mean i don't understand it because the States are probably the only country that does so, but I accept that fact. so I said to the nice lady on the phone that in that case I have to book my flight when I'm in Oahu? She said yes.
I then mentioned that if I book it in Oahu I'm going to pay with exactly the same credit card and where the difference would be? Her answer: "Good question!" Thanx 'mam! :)

Freitag, Januar 20, 2006

start ticking off on the calender.... :)

hehe today was kind of a sad day because two of my previous class left... no there are only three left (including me). Soon there will only be left two of us... However, as we talked yesterday about leaving i realised that i will be very sad to leave Vancouver. It's an amazing city (in spite of the rain) and i enjoy living here very much!!! Of course i do also look forward to seeing my guys. I'm gonna have a bad and a good cry...

Montag, Januar 16, 2006


how exciting is that??? Today after school i went to two different travel agencies (sta-travel and flightcentre) both of them could offer me flights but both were kind of expensive. However, at home, i was still in my "hawaii-fever" (swinglish aloha) and checked the internet on my own with the same dates. I found a very good offer from aircanada and booked it. Moreover, i just booked the hostels in honolulu and maui. *runningupthewalls* since this moment i couldn't sit still because i'm so excited!!!!! i leave Vancouver on February 6th and will return on the 17th. The flight home is a nightflight with a hopefully wonderful sunrise ;)
just that you can join me in my joy: actually it's 27degrees in hawaii :)

Freitag, Januar 13, 2006

...und da warens nur noch 5

week one from my course done :) i do had to get used to 7 hours school. well i know, that doesn't sound really hard but it's definitively something else if you're aktive or just sitting, waiting, wishing... (a short hi here to jack johnson *grins*) however it was a very interesting week with a lot of interesting people! my personal homework is to check some flights from vancouver to hawaii ho ho ho

"mir hei toufrueschi troeim & ne himubreiti aerde. fuuer & fieber & e voue tank & was nid isch, das cha ja no waerde. gottlob & gottseidank" im hintergrund ;)

Donnerstag, Januar 12, 2006


Heyhey hello

thanks for giving me a chance to try a few things here... :)

ch ch ch
you know guys what i do expect from ya! (try it out by yourself, because i'd love to post any nonsense comments)

...und ig soett jetz langsam go schlofe...