Freitag, Mai 19, 2006

friday evening be continued!

kubb, pasta, redwine and coffee.... well done girls! cheers! :)

Montag, Mai 08, 2006

drop drop drop

what a rainy day... I only had school in the morning and was hoping for a sunny afternoon to hang out outside. no chance. it's freezing and as i mentioned wet.

anyone wanna come for a coffee? Tetsuya? 3pm @ londondrugs? ;)

*mild in the fall and winter, warm in the spring and not too hot in the summer* I wish I were there...

Donnerstag, Mai 04, 2006

being sick sucks...

... fortunately, it's getting better now. i'm glad cause i'm always that bored when i'm sick (even to tired to start the computer)... ;)