Donnerstag, Januar 26, 2006

cheers amadeus!

ai ai ai i've just done my home exam from the college and the longer i read all this stuff the more interested i get. what a shame that i haven't read it earlier. some things may had made more sense :) whatever my friends. i start realising that everything is gonna be over soon and that's strange. i'm curious how it is to be home again :D

well first, i can't wait to go to Hawaii because it's so cold here (maybe because i wore a skirt today... *eyeroll*)

still, i have no idea how i manage it to bring all my stuff with me back home. Anyone got a friend who's pilot at Air Canada or are big eyes and a charming smile enough at the check in?!? i don't think so... maybe a skirt again... ;) damn.


Anonymous Anonym said...

hei nd, don't worry, wäge dim gepäck.
dänk eifach dra, du bisch doch eifach e guudigi, glatti frau ;-)...das klappet ohni problem. leg no es häublaus püllöverli a und due chlei mit de wimpere gots, hopefully.
hugsie...vor müsebandi

(du glaubsch es nid, aber hüt heimer es müsli ir wöschchuchi gfunge wo usbüchst isch - und ersch no s blingge!)

9:18 AM  
Blogger nd said...

werum risse die cheibe muesli au gaeng us? ig gloub es isch hoechschti zyt, as ig wieder mou zum raechte chume cho luege... ;)

7:37 PM  

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