Montag, Januar 23, 2006

my friends down there

people say that some of our friends in the South are not always the brightest (i know there are many exceptions. one's living above me, right andy :) ) however, i just wanted to book my flight from oahu to maui and back. i found an excellent offer on the homepage from a company. unfortunately you have to give a billing address in the States besides the credit card details...

well, i called the company to ask why, because I want to book a flight and live in Canada. (and living in Canada is not a crime, is it?!) Anyway, she told me that they don't accept international credit cards... so far ok... I mean i don't understand it because the States are probably the only country that does so, but I accept that fact. so I said to the nice lady on the phone that in that case I have to book my flight when I'm in Oahu? She said yes.
I then mentioned that if I book it in Oahu I'm going to pay with exactly the same credit card and where the difference would be? Her answer: "Good question!" Thanx 'mam! :)


Blogger Averyslave said...

Yes! I'm the one American with a free pass in "nd's world".

6:01 PM  

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