Montag, März 13, 2006

how do i do?

i'm fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
today was actually a freeeeeeeeeezing day. when it was cold in vancouver it was freezing for my american roommate, warm for the canadian one and cold for me... andy it would have been hard for you today in switzerland ;)

back home, i enjoy going for a coffee in the morning or during the day and having a drink in the evening. while i was away a new bar/restaurant had opened and it's really great hanging around there... home sweet home. here i am and i feel like home again. probably faster than i wanted cause canada seems to be soooo far away now! the pictures in my head may disappear, the one in my heart stay forever... *lol*

so far - so good.
be good.luv.nd


Blogger Averyslave said...

I don't even want to think about it. It's finally warming up in Vancouver. *thinks warm thoughts*

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

there's no sign for snow in singapore :)

take care

4:00 AM  

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